



格宁斯设计对话 | TLD DesignCEO Mark Dodds

分类:行业动态 发布时间:2023-12-10 19次浏览

  ‍  瑞士工艺,始于1952。  格宁斯作为全球的室内窗饰系统供应商,我们始...




Beijing Villa, picture from TLD. 北京九树别墅,图片来自TLD。


  For choosing Silent Gliss is because of the reliable quality of product and superior customer services as I mentioned before. 


  MD:We use the product in Guangzhou the Bayview project and Beijingvilla project. 


  9. SG:What project that had been using SG product? What is your reason for choosing us?

  我最喜欢的一款是垂直波纹帘系统, 完美的切割设计,同时有三种设计款式可以选择。而且使用场景多样,既可以作为背景墙,也可作为窗饰以及分隔系统,可用于办公,居家以及商务空间等。

  MD:It will be the vertical blind. Nice cutting and design with 3 patterns. Can be used as decoration background, curtains or room divider; multiple occasions, such as offices, private home, commercial projects, etc. 

Silent Gliss Vertical wave, picture from SG. 格宁斯垂直波纹帘系统,图片来自格宁斯。


  8. SG:What is your favorite type of SG product? Why?


  MD:Reliable quality with good services is what I perceived with the brand. Very specialized in curtain track product, diverse product range, from roller blind、hand operated curtain tracks to creative vertical blind and wave panel.  When the customer’s budget is fit into the range, I will recommend definitely. 

Silent Gliss Engineering, picucture from SG. 瑞士工艺,图片来自格宁斯。


  7. SG:How do you think about SG? From its brand to product? And what is the reason for using SG over other brand?


  The center of the design is the people live in it, and the design process is from the inside to the outside. Ourreward is when acustomer is happy and comfortable living in a house we have designed.

Melbourne-Villa, picture from TLD, 墨尔本别墅, 图片来自TLD.


  MD:First is the craftsmanship, always stick to the original design –the soul of the project needs not to be changed. And this process involved a long communication process, by understanding the needs of the owners. And the changes may be made various times. Second is the happiness of the owner, our design is from the inside out, which means, customer focused, telling their own needs for the space, what kind of feeling they would like to have in the house, etc. 


  6. SG: From your point of view, what is a good design? What is the characters of evaluation? 


  Yeah, well I would like to do that, maybe in the future. 

  Are you going to engage in this kind of activity? 您是否有这种跨行业设计的打算呢?

Silent Gliss project: Illuminated Cloud,Germany. 格宁斯项目:发光的云,德国,图片来自格宁斯。

  虽然, 许多建筑师和设计师都在做跨行业的产品设计,如菲利普·斯达克,涉及多个领域,从设计家居产品,数码产品到建筑,大多数作品是与品牌合作。再比如Kelly Hoppen,她创造了以自己名字命名的家居装饰品牌。

  MD:Although many architect and designers do cross industry for product design, such as Philippe Starck, who from designing home products, digital products to buildings, most works are brand cooperation. And such as Kelly Hoppen, she created her own home deco brand.


  5. SG:how do you think about the relationship between interior design and art? 


  The culture difference tends to have different choices of the fabric design, such as colors, patterns, etc. 


  MD:The curtain is a combination of functional and decoration factors. When day time, it is used as a shading system to keep out the glare. And when the night time had come, it is to keep the privacy from outside. Both ways, will serve as a decoration factors to the house. 

Silent Gliss electric operated curtain track system, picture from SG. 格宁斯电动开合帘系统, 图片来自格宁斯。


  4. SG: As a designer, from a professional perspective, what is the position that curtain in the interior design? Is there any influence by culture difference? 


  So the local culture does have a great influence in the interior design process. 


  MD:Yes, for commercial project, which concern material andresources used, that needto be sourced locally, and the design need to be creativeand modern, since the customer is looking for new show. For the private project, is much focused on owners ‘personality and characteristics’. For example, the Chinese Fengshui needs to be considered.  For instance, in the west, when you design a house, you will see an open space from the front door to the back yard. But for many Chinese clients, you will need to design something to block the view from the door, which is related to Chinese Fengshui. 


  3. SG: what do you think culture difference that can influence the interior design?


  MD:Smart home system is a trend, it is depends on the needs of the people, the trend may go ups and down. The practical use of the system is keeping the house safe in the west, and connects all the electronic system. The customer choices are quite diverse; some people just not prefer to have it. And on the other side, the cost of the smart home system is quite expensive. If the cost goes down, it may become more popular for home decoration. 

Silent Gliss Move app, picture from SG. 格宁斯Move app, 图片来自格宁斯。


  SG: Do you think the smart home system will be the future trend?


  For Silent Gliss, byusing silent motor and hidden tracks are all positive changes for curtain tracks productdevelopment. 

Silent Gliss sliding panel, picture from SG. 格宁斯滑动屏风,图片来自格宁斯。

  极简主义始终是全球设计的总体趋势, 从室内设计到家具设计。

  MD:Minimalism is still the trend for global industry. From the color that used in interior design, and the furniture design. 

  您觉得当今室内设计的流行趋势是朝着哪个方向发展?特别的是: 您觉得对于窗饰的一个演变过程是朝着什么方向发展的呢?产品方面的建议。

  2. SG: From a general view, what is the trend of interior design? What is the development direction for curtain product?Or suggestion for product development. 


  Nowadays, the needs for utilization of space is not as before, years ago, the house owner tended to design their home with many bedrooms; but now, they would have enough bed rooms for the people living in and create more open spaces and recreation rooms, etc. This is an example of changing of the spaces that used in China. 


  MD:Creating a home for the house owner, not to imposeour style and lifestyle to the customer, but help to implement the idea of detailed and specific needs of private customers. By helping private customers to create a home, where they can relax and to be themselves, not creating a showroom. 


  1. SG: what is your design concept?

  2.   TLD设计咨询公司成立于北京,致力于高端室内设计服务,涵盖住宅、养老机构、商业以及酒店项目等。马丰宁先生自2010年起任TLD设计公司总经理至今8年, 格宁斯很荣幸有此机会与他共同探讨室内设计。

  3.   TLD Design Consulting is a Beijing based design studio. The company is specialized in super-prime residential, senior care, and retail projects, offering a range of design and consulting services. Mark Dodds is as CEO of TLD Design Consulting for 8 years. We are hornored to have this opportunity to discuss the interior design with him. 

  4. *Mark Dodds, picture fromTLD. 马丰宁先生,图片来自TLD。