王开方,1967年生于北京,1991年毕业于北京建筑大学建筑系,是中国知名的界设计师、艺术家、建筑师。王开方在近30年的创作中完成各类的界作品300余项,涉及厘型、装置、影像、书法、油画 、建筑、室内、规划、园林、家具、服装、平面、产品、首饰等众多額域。曾获”中国皇内设计年度人物”、“更具影响力艺术家”等称号,2011年其观念作品《螂》被"神舟八号”飞船搭数与天言一号对接实现了中国当代艺术的太空之旅。2013年《来自苍宮一王开方数字艺术展)开创了中国美术馆数字厘型展,其作品哉中国美木馆、法国皮杜艺术中心、上海世博会奥地利馆等机构收藏;王开方代表作《K星球)、《金砖)、《风)等系列数字雕型,以“进化中的东方宇宙现”结合哲学思考和科学方法在其世界各地的项目制作中进行着自己独立的艺术实践,更以艺术的方式探寻社会与文明的发展。王开方的《物种起源设计论》已在社会和设计界引起关注。 wang Kaifang. who was born in Beijing in 1967 and gaduated from deparment of archite.Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture in 1991, is a famous crossover artist, architect and designer in China. In nearly 30 years of his creation history, Wang kaifang has completed more than 300 crossover works in various fields induding sculpure installation, photography, calligraphy oil painting. architecture, interior design planning. garden, furniture, costume design, graphic design. product design and jewelry design. He is recognized by a lot of honorary titles, including Chinese Designer of the Year and the Most Influential Arist In 201 1, Cockroach" one of his conceptual artworks, was carried by inzhou Vlll spacecraft, which was successfully connected to Heavenly Palace 1. This was the first space trae of Chinas contemporary art. In 2015, his exhibiton From the Universe -wang Kaifang Digital An Exhibition" became the first digital sculpture exhibtion of the National Art Museum of Ch (NAMOO. In addition. many ot his wors are colled by authorative institutions. inc luding NAMOC. Centre Pompidou nd Austra Paion f ENP. His masterpieces include Ca K. old Brick and Wind, which are digital sulpture series. Wang kaifang combines philosophical thought and scientif methods based on the" Evolving Oriental Cosmology"to carry out his independent art practic inprojects around the world.In this way,he explores the development of society and civilization in the art form.
Final check and logistics
《一团和气》是王开方为澳门 MGM COTAI 美狮美高梅 Guo Pei 艺术空间定制的大型空间雕塑作品。《一团和气》运用当代艺术语言,不锈钢手工锻造,亦刚亦柔,金壁恢弘,如一团祥和之气,飘逸炫动,行游太极。 作品以风力学实验、3D 打印等高新科技诠释了新时代的东方宇宙观。虚物质“风” 的能量律动,饱含着“气”的生命呼吸,传递出天地人间的和合生气与温婉磅礴的光明能量,更打造出“一带一路步步高,一团和气幸运门”的金碧辉煌胜景。 作品由北京王开方艺术设计工作室制作,结合数字艺术与濒临失传的中国传统手工艺锻造完成,精准误差 1 厘米,共计 80 人,100 天,12 万工时,不锈钢24 吨,2600 片,300 万锤,180 万焊点,88 米周长,耗用 24k 金箔 8 万张
王开方" 它不仅是华美秀丽,更是多元文明的共生共荣,以此祝愿人间和谐美满,一团和气。"Wang Kaifang"The name, ∞ Harmony, is not only the shape of sculpture, but also a symbiotic co- prosperity of civilizations, in the hope that the world will live in harmony.